Annual Fundraiser - Saturday, March 16, 2024
Doors Opened @ 5:30pm - Swede Hall FREE Admission Hamburger + Chips = $5 . . . . . Thank you to everyone who braved the first sunny weekend of 2024 to join us for our annual fundraising event. It was great to see the community come together again to support the RFAN mission. Thank you! . . . . . One Hundred Percent (100%) of every single dollar raised goes back into the community to support our neighbors experiencing traumatic events. We have zero overhead. Zero paid employees. That means if you buy $20 in raffle tickets, $20 goes directly to someone in need. |
We had a great time catching up with old friends and meeting new friends at the 2021 Tailgate Social. The weather was perfect: a dark and moody sky to highlight the twinkle lights and warmth of the fire, and the rain held off until after the truck raffle. Thanks to Karen for drawing the winning ticket and to Sam, who purchased tickets and won the RFAN truck. In case you missed it, here's a bit of trivia from that night:
961 tickets purchased by the community at $5/ticket = $4,805 funds raised, and each dollar goes right back into this community Because of your generosity, RFAN has been able to distribute almost $200,000 to families in the Rochester community. Big round of applause for YOU! |
Thank you to everyone who came to the Swede Hall for the Fall Spaghetti Social on October 7, 2017 and for generously purchasing tickets for the RFAN wood truck. Every dollar of each ticket sold goes directly toward helping people in our community.
After months of ticket sales leading up to the Fall Social, Barbara Nichols pulled the winning raffle ticket: Congratulations to Marge Cody for being the latest winner of the RFAN wood truck! |
Fourth Annual Community Fundraiser
Saturday, March 11, 2017 - Doors Opened at 5:30 pm
Thank you from the Rochester Friends and Neighbors (RFAN) Board
The fourth annual community fundraiser was another great success. Hundreds of community members and supporters turned out to the Swede Hall on Saturday, March 11 and generously purchased burgers and raffle tickets, bid on silent and live auction items and donated money to further the RFAN mission. Thank you to everyone who came to show their support, thank you to the many individuals and companies who donated raffle and auction items, and thank you to the countless volunteers who generously donated their time and energy leading up to the fundraiser. This is a great community, and we are proud to be part of it.
-RFAN Board
Saturday, March 11, 2017 - Doors Opened at 5:30 pm
Thank you from the Rochester Friends and Neighbors (RFAN) Board
The fourth annual community fundraiser was another great success. Hundreds of community members and supporters turned out to the Swede Hall on Saturday, March 11 and generously purchased burgers and raffle tickets, bid on silent and live auction items and donated money to further the RFAN mission. Thank you to everyone who came to show their support, thank you to the many individuals and companies who donated raffle and auction items, and thank you to the countless volunteers who generously donated their time and energy leading up to the fundraiser. This is a great community, and we are proud to be part of it.
-RFAN Board
The 2017 Fundraiser included a wide variety of raffle, silent and live action items including:
- Paradise Themed Day Trip for 12 people on 56-foot yacht with food & drinks, departing West Bay Marina, Olympia
- Raffle Tickets for the 2003 Ford F-150 Truck (winning ticket to be drawn at the fall social)
- Tickets to Sporting Events
- Firewood (Raffle and Auction)
- Vintage/Antique Items including a 1900s Barber Chair and Antique Butter Churn
- Fir, Cedar and Hemlock Tree Seedlings
- Septic Pumping
- 10-yard Truckloads of Gravel and Bark
Third Annual Community Fundraiser
Saturday, March 12, 2016 The annual Rochester Friends and Neighbors community fundraiser was March 12, 2016 at Swede Hall in Rochester and included:
Second Annual Community Fundraiser
Saturday, March 21, 2015
The 2015 Fundraiser included 31 raffle items, 76 silent auction items, and 17 live auction items, some of which included:
Passes and tickets to a variety of restaurants, wine tasting, amusement/water parks and local theater plays and productions including:
Town Social: Less Fundraising, More Socializing!

Saturday, October 10, 2015, 5:30 pm
The RFAN Association hosted their second annual Town Social:
The RFAN Association hosted their second annual Town Social:
- Donations were accepted at the door (thank you for your generous donations!)
- Truck & Firewood Raffle (1988 Ford Truck with firewood)
- Less Fundraising, More Socializing
- Free spaghetti dinner